The IT Gurus are your reliable partner in the field of IT distribution, specializing in comprehensive solutions in the areas of IT hardware & software and many other related electronics articles focusing accross the region of the Dutch Caribbean Islands (SXM) and surroundings.  As an authorized reseller of leading brands such as:


we offer our customers a broad portfolio of high-quality products and services. 

We deliver customized client solutions for companies of all sizes and support you in the implementation and maintenance of our clients IT infrastructure.  Our experts offer a comprehensive service - from consulting to installation and support. 

In addition to high-performance hardware, we also offer solutions for modern data centers, including server and storage technologies, various cloud services, and rely on innovative monitoring systems for maximum security. 

In case your searched product is not listed yet in our shop or you may need a special bid on volume projects, please feel free to contact us directly!

LIC: HCS CPU 15-19 1y PS Ren
Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security CPU European Edition. 15-19 CPU 1 year Public Sector Renewal License
553.35 € 553.35 EUR
eSP: 5y 24x7 eSP: MSR4044 Router FC
HP 5y 24x7 HP MSR4044 Router FC SVC HP MSR4044 Router 24x7 HW support 4 hour onsite response 24x7 SW phone support and SW Updates for eligible SW.
5,734.66 € 5734.66 EUR
eSP: 4y 24x7 eSP: 580x-24 Swt pdt FC
HP 4y 24x7 HP 580x-24 Swt pdt FC SVC HP580x-24 Switch products 24x7 HW support4 hour onsite response 24x7 SW phone support and SW Updates for eligible SW.
5,313.48 € 5313.4800000000005 EUR
eSP: 3y 24x7 eSP: 582x Swt products FC
HP 3y 24x7 HP 582x Swt products FC SVC HP 582x Switch products 24x7 HW support 4 hour onsite response 24x7 SW phone support and SW Updates for eligible SW.
5,493.38 € 5493.38 EUR
eSP: 3yNbd c3000 ProCare Service
HP 3y Nbd c3000 ProCare Service c3000 Enclosure 3y r Proactive Care Svc Next bus day HW supp w9x5 coverage.SW supp 24x7Std 2hr remote Resp. Incl Proactive/Reac
1,357.74 € 1357.74 EUR
eSP: 4yNbd ML350(p) ProCare Service
HP 4y Nbd ML350(p) ProCare Service ProLiant ML350 4y r Proactive Care Svc Next bus day HW supp w9x5 coverage.SW supp 24x7 Std 2hr remote Resp. Incl Proactive/Re
2,388.48 € 2388.48 EUR
eSP: 5y6h CTR ProCare5800-48 switch
HP 5y 6hCTR ProactCare5800-48 switch Svc HP 580x-48 Switch products 5y Proactive Care Svc.6hr Call to Repair w24x7 coverage. SW supp 24x7 Std 2hr remote Resp. I
24,745.06 € 24745.06 EUR
eSP: 5y6hCTR24x7MSA2KG3Arrays ProACr Svc
HP 5y6hCTR24x7MSA2KG3Arrays ProACr Svc MSA2000 G3 Arrays 5y Proactive Care Svc.6hr Call to Repair w24x7 coverage. SW supp 24x7 Std 2hr remote Resp. Incl Proacti
14,873.70 € 14873.7 EUR
eSP: 3y 24x7 CDMR 7506 Swt pdt FC
HP 3y 24x7 CDMR 7506 Swt pdt FC SVC HP 7506 Switch products 24x7 HW support w CDMR 4 hour onsite response. 24x7 SW phone support and SW Updates for eligible SW.
12,468.30 € 12468.300000000001 EUR
eSP: 3y 24x7 eSP: MSM46x AP FC
HP 3y 24x7 HP MSM46x AP FC SVC HP MSM46x AP 24x7 HW support 4 hour onsite response 24x7 SW phone support and SW Updatesfor eligible SW.
324.89 € 324.89 EUR
eSP: 1y NBD Exch eSP: 6804 Router pdt FC
HP 1y NBD Exch HP 6804 Router pdt FC SVC HP 6804 Router products 9x5 HW supportwith next business day HW exchange. 9x5SW phone support and SW Updates for elig
4,409.73 € 4409.7300000000005 EUR
eSP: 3y6h 24x7 5920AF-24XG CTR Proact
HP 3y 6h 24x7 5920AF-24XG CTR Proact SVC 5920AF-24XG Switch 3y Proactive Care Svc.6hr Call to Repair w24x7 coverage. SWsupp 24x7 Std 2hr remote Resp. Incl Proa
13,658.84 € 13658.84 EUR
eSP: 5yNbd BB897A 6500 120TB Proactive
HP 5y Nbd BB897A 6500 120TB ProactiveSVC BB897A 6500 120TB Exp for Exist Racks 5y r Proactive Care Svc Next Bus Day HW supp w9x5 coverage.SW supp 24x7 Std 2hr r
96,490.18 € 96490.18000000001 EUR
eSP: 3y 4hr Exch HP870 FC
HP 3y 4hr Exch HP870 FC SVC HP870 24x7 HW support with 4 hour HW exchange. 24x7SW phone support and SW Updates for eligible SW.
15,107.58 € 15107.58 EUR
eSP: 5y 4hr Exch HP12518E FC
HP 5y 4hr Exch HP12518E FC SVC HP12518E24x7 HW support with 4 hour HW exchange. 24x7 SW phone support and SW Updates for eligible SW.
104,099.00 € 104099.0 EUR
eSP: 4y4h 24x7ProCare w/CDMReSP: 12508E
HP 4y 4h24x7ProaCarew/CDMRHP 12508E SVCHP 12508E 4y Proactive Care Svc. CDMR 4hr HW Supp w/24x7 coverage. SW supp 24x7Std 2hr remote Resp. Incl Proactive/Reac
164,211.83 € 164211.83000000002 EUR
eSP: 5y4h 24x7ProCare 5930-32QSFP
HP 5y 4h24x7ProactCare 5930-32QSFPSVC 5930-32QSFP 5y Proactive Care Svc. 4hr HWSupp w/24x7 coverage. SW supp 24x7 Std 2hr remote Resp. Incl Proactive/Reactive
17,957.45 € 17957.45 EUR
eSP: 1y PW 4h13x5 StorPortAnlyzAdpt HWSu
HP 1y PW 4h13x5 StorPortAnlyzAdpt HWSuppFor MDS 9000 PA Adapter1 year post warranty HW support. 4 hour onsite response.8am-9pm Standard business days exclud
2,362.01 € 2362.01 EUR
HP 1y PW NBD Onsite DMR WS HW Supp
HP 1y PW Nbd Onsite with DMR WS Only SvcPersonal WS z2xx/z4xx Series 3/3/3 wty1yr Post Warranty Next Bus Day HW Supportw/Defective Media Retention. Excl ext mo
36.19 € 36.19 EUR
HP 5y SW SuppIMCAPM SWModAddE-LTUProCare HP IMC APM SW Mod Addition E-LTU 5 year Proactive Care Svc.Incl Proactive/Reactive Svc. Software Support with Std 2h re
1,794.79 € 1794.79 EUR